>Reflections and Revelations

>The last few days have been busy, in a good way. I’ve been getting more hours at work and babysat for a long time today (where I read over 200 pages of a new book in about 4 hours, which I will review in a few days when it’s complete), and had a hectic weekend.

Saturday was Chowder Fest and it was awesome, as always. It was crazy cold though, and by the end Jack was frozen and weepy and just wanted to get home. I did too. When I got home I sewed my second dress and it was super easy, I still can’t believe I did it in a night. Sunday we had our normal ritual of cleaning and cooking. Yesterday after work I managed to get lots of chores done around the house in the hour and a half before Jack got home, then made bread, and faxed docs to switch our auto insurance (which I now realize I should’ve done much sooner since we are going to save a ton of moola).

I feel very accomplished in these past few days. I’ve also been doing mock-ups of some craft things that I want to sell. I’ve made two bracelets and I’m going to start another in a few minutes.

I don’t know yet what we are getting back for a tax return but I know it should be substantial. I also know that we almost have a student loan completely paid off. I am really shocked when I realize that, for the most part, we will be debt free before we are 30. When I think of how many people there are in this country who are drowning in debt and they are in their 40s and 50s and on 2nd and 3rd mortgages, it makes this seem even more amazing. By no means will we be rich, but it’s good peace of mind for sure.

I feel like I went into this year with a very positive attitude and it’s really paying off. I know that the second month isn’t even over yet, but I feel like things are really “going our way” already, and are only going to get better. I have to laugh a bit when I think about how different things are now than just over a year ago. Back then if you would’ve told me I’d be working part time for minimum wage and suddenly I have more disposable income, I really wouldn’t have believed it. It’s amazing what happens with time and ingenuity.

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